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Made in CanariasMade in Canarias

Photography by Poldo Cebrián, Sculpture by Leopoldo Emperador

Made in CanariasMade in Canarias

Painting by Rafael Monegas, Performance by Natalia Medina

till February 28th, 2007

Sculpture, photography, painting, performance

The premiere of "Made in Canarias" will be shown from February 2nd to 28th 2007 at the Art Center Berlin. The exhibition includes the current works of young Canarian artists. "Made in Canarias" was created 2002 by the ESPACIO gallery and is disposed by the gallery since then.

In this first edition of "Made in Canarias" the following artists are involved:

Leopoldo Emperador: sculpture

Poldo Cebrián: photography

Carmen Cólogan and Rafael Monagas: painting

Natalia Medina: performance

Made in Canarias

Painting by Carmen Cólogan