Long Night of the Museums OKERART - Contemporary Art from Norway Jiang Guo Fang - Paintings from the Forbidden City Series Art Center Berlin - Opening Contemporani Balears IVAR KAASIK - Silikon Valley

Long Night of the Museums 2009

Saichu Yohansyah at the Long Night of the Museums 2009   Saichu Yohansyah at the Long Night of the Museums 2009

Long Night oft the Museums

August 29th, 2009      Long Night of the Museums, August 29th, 2009

Already the second time the ART CENTER BERLIN is taking part at the Long Night of Museums. On four floors with all together ca. 2.000 sqm at the same time are shown several exhibitions with works of contemporary art from Germany and numerous countries of the world. In the atrium with its excellent acoustics are presented exceptional musical performances.
The ART CENTER BERLIN is the large forum of international contemporary art and established during the last years inside the art and culture scene of Berlin as outstanding forum for exhibitions. Many exhibitions are parallel presented here. Artists from all continents are represented. For the international creative scene the ART CENTER became a prominent place for presentation. The ART CENTER BERLIN is part of Route 1, the tour between Museums Island, Museum of Natural History and Kulturforum.

Music for spaces I
The musicians of "dak∼" [dak tilde], Damian Marhulets, Kostia Rapoport und David Borges, are looking for the sound of our time - in-between tradition of improvisation of Free Jazz, current electronic dance music and electro acoustic avant-garde. At the Long Night of Museums they are playing 4 sets of each 30 - 40 min.

Music for spaces II
At 11 p.m., 12 p.m. and 1 a.m. the Indonesian artist Saichu Yohansyah creates archaic and meditative worlds of sound at his handmade Javanese gong, which has a diameter of 2 meters (the largest of the world). Gert Anklam accompanies him on the saxophone.

Long Night of the Museums 2009